
  • Citizen Rights
    • Constitutional Adherence
      • Pursue and enforce laws where violations occur, and uphold our God-given rights as the framers intended
    • Rule of Law
      • Enable and support law enforcement to effectively perform their duties, enforce equal protection, and uphold natural law
    • Voting Integrity
      • Ensure and enforce ballot security, and secure voting only for legal U.S. citizens
  • Economic Strength
    • Fiscal Responsibility
      • Eliminate excessive & wasteful spending, pay off the debt and balance the budget, and ensure plan transparency
    • Reciprocal Trade
      • Protect and Increase global trade relations and ensure nothing less than bi-directional fairness
    • Unleashed Free Market
      • Allow marketplace demand to be the impetus for businesses to flourish, and restrict the government from unnecessary meddling
  • National Sovereignty
    • Border Security & Remediation
      • Restore border security, improve immigration policies & practices, and address the issues associated with those who have entered the country illegally
    • In-Source Jobs
      • Strengthen and protect domestic manufacturing & food chain, prioritize cyber security, and restrict foreign ownership of land
    • Peace Through Strength
      • Restore/build arsenal and focus on lethality & protection from foreign and domestic enemies