
  • Budget
    • Work Smarter; Eliminate wasteful spending/departments, increase transparency & informed decisions, balance the budget.
  • Civil Rights
    • Practice & enforce unbiased education, employment, and housing opportunities, and protect the rights of all Americans.
  • Education
    • Ensure safety and focus curriculum solely on academics, American excellence, and global competitiveness.
  • Elections
    • Ensure and enforce ballot & voter integrity, and protect voting to only include legal U.S. citizens.
  • Energy
    • Restore energy independence, unleash the free-market, and protect/improve the infrastructure.
  • Environment
    • Protect and restore air/water/land, wildlife and their habitats, and the human condition
  • Government
    • Transparency, terms limits for all elected officials, blind-trust investments, personal/legal accountability.
  • Health
    • Protect life (womb, special needs, elderly), in-source 
      drug production, and stop illegal drug importation/production.
  • Immigration
    • Close the borders, remediate illegal entrants, address chain migration, protect existing guest-worker provisions.
  • Jobs/Economy
    • Unleash the free market, in-source manufacturing, protect citizen jobs, and ensure reciprocal trade practices.
  • Law
    • Enforce equal protection/enforcement, protect against bias, and uphold fair & natural law.
  • Legislation
    • Eliminate omnibus spending, allow sufficient time for review/dialogue prior to vote, ensure plan alignment with bills/laws.
  • Michigan
    • Advocate for resident health, safety, welfare, economy, environment, natural resources, and infrastructure.
  • Military
    • Restore/build arsenal and focus on lethality & protection from enemies both foreign and domestic.
  • Religion
    • Allow the free practice of religion without fear, government overreach, and judicial bias.
  • Safety
    • Enable and support law enforcement to effectively perform their duties, and enforce the rule of law.
  • Self Defense
    • Protect the right to arm & defend yourself/others, and shield manufacturers from personal responsibility.
  • Sovereignty
    • Restrict foreign ownership of land, encourage/protect the domestic food chain, and assets/intellectual property.
  • Speech
    • Protect and ensure original, impartial & unrestricted creation and distribution amongst all media platforms.